In the Dragon Age series, spirits are known as the Maker's first children; beings that live in the Fade. The Chantry believes the Maker abandoned spirits because they had no soul, as they lacked the ability for imagination and could only mimic what they saw. While the truth of spirits' origins is unknown, it is known that they mimic what they see in the physical world.
Spirits have played a large role in the Dragon Age series, from companions like Cole to possible enemies like The Lady of the Forest. There are many types, from benevolent spirits to ghosts and wisps. They are part of what makes the series so compelling and mysterious for many fans.
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Spirits have many abilities, both in and out of the Fade. Within the Fade, they can disguise themselves as anyone based on a dreamer's memories. Spirits with an especially strong will can take a physical form outside the Fade as well. Such examples include spirits taking the form of those who have died, such as Leliana in Inquisition if she died in Origins or Cole in Inquisition and the book, Asunder.
As exemplified by Cole, spirits can read the minds and emotions of others, and some can be more sensitive to certain thoughts and emotions. Spirits such as Cole can make people forget about them, and spirits can even make themselves forget pieces of information. Due to this self-inflicted amnesia, spirits often do not grow like people and are not capable of complex problem-solving. According to Solas, spirits are easy to fight off in combat due to their lack of imagination and self-inflicted inexperience.
There are spirits that lose their abilities if they stay in the real world too long. Spirits that do not wash away their own