The latest Destiny 2 hotfix is here, bringing in some changes to the Crucible, King's Fall Raid, and some other gameplay tweaks too.
The new update makes a couple of changes to the Crucible. Map frequency weighting for Disjunction and Cathedral of Dusk has been adjusted Although the patch notes don't specify how, anecdotally, both were very common sight. An issue that saw players unable to progress the weekly Crucible challenge in the Crucible labs has also been fixed.
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The King's Fall Raid also had a few fixes, such as an issue where the Daughters of Oryx took extra damage from rocket launchers and other sources, which has now been fixed. An issue where players could survive certain wipe mechanics in the raid has also been fixed, as well as an issue that had players occasionally spawning behind the doors during the Warpriest encounter.
In terms of gameplay and investment fixes, an issue where the seasonal mod Improved Sword Scavenger and leg armor mod Sword Scavenger would stack has been fixed, and it's no longer possible to equip both of these mods simultaneously. The regular and artifact Machine Gun Scavenger mods had the same issue, which has also been fixed.
The Touch of Malice blight projectile had an issue that meant it could affect allies, blinding them and causing them to take increased damage from Weapons of Sorrow, but this has been fixed now. An issue that meant the Touch of Malice final round did double damage when hitting a