Destiny 2 has seen a radical rework of its ability cooldown system since the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack. Abilities now have unique cooldowns, Super energy received an overhaul, and many abilities had their cooldowns tweaked.
Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Armor 2.0
If you haven't played Destiny 2 recently, this can be a shock to come back to. And for veteran players, figuring out exact ability cooldowns can be a pain. This guide covers how ability cooldowns work in Destiny 2, explains what Super tiers and active Super generation methods are, and we cover every single ability cooldown in the game. Use the table of contents above to jump to any section that interests you.
Updated April 28th, 2022, by Charles Burgar: With the constant balance tweaks to ability cooldowns and Super tiers, we've added a section to this guide that showcases every ability cooldown in the game—including an ability's cooldown at each stat tier. Beyond that, we've also overhauled the first half of this article to better explain how variable ability cooldowns work, what Super tiers are, and better explain how Destiny 2's complicated Super energy system works.
Destiny 2's abilities each have a unique cooldown that Bungie refers to as the variable ability cooldown system. In essence, Bungie can tweak the cooldowns of each ability in Destiny 2 without impacting the cooldown of similar abilities, something that was impossible before the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack was released.
Each grenade, melee ability, class ability, and Super has a unique cooldown. For example, Duskfield Grenades recharge in 1:04 minutes while Glacier Grenades take 2:32 minutes to charge. Both grenades have different cooldowns despite being a part of the same subclass.