CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION is a full remaster of the PlayStation Portable exclusive CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII-, which originally launched back in 2007. CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION is a true remaster that follows the original's narrative: Zack Fair's mission toCRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION is a full remaster of the PlayStation Portable exclusive CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII-, which originally launched back in 2007.
CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION is a true remaster that follows the original's narrative: Zack Fair's mission to find the missing SOLDIER Genesis Rhapsodos. It features multiple improvements from the original game - for example, the graphics have been converted to HD, with all the 3D models, from the characters to everything else, being fully refreshed.