Another datamined set of cosmetics coming to the Trading Post in Patch 10.0.7 are off-hand librams! Libram of Righteous Light and Tome of Sin'dorei Secrets have separate colors and iconography for each faction, though while they appear to be themed around Paladins, these cosmetics aren't actually class restricted, so anyone can transmog them onto an appropriate off-hand item.
Alliance Libram of Righteous Light Horde Tome of Sin'dorei SecretsWe actually datamined several different appearances for these books all the way back in the very first Dragonflight Alpha build, although there weren't any items to go along with them at the time. While the various color variations probably won't end up being used right away, it's interesting to note that none of the colors datamined so far actually match the item tooltips, so it seems likely that actual books sold in the Trading Post this Spring will be black and gold with a blue gem for the Alliance or red and gold with a green gem for the Horde.