Believing that women should have complete autonomy over their own bodies shouldn’t be a controversial thing to believe or voice support in. But in the United States, legislation surrounding reproductive rights continues to surface again and again, with some states eager to outlaw the practice entirely, and others seeking to only allow it in extremely specific circumstances.
Roe vs. Wade, the landmark 1973 legislation, has always protected abortion rights even as states contort themselves to find ways around them. After a leaked opinion from the Supreme Court showed it was likely to be overturned in the very near future, abortion could soon be outlawed in multiple states across the USA.
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It’s immoral, disgusting, and just plain wrong, with elderly, privileged men using outdated religious beliefs (itself unconstitutional, given the idea of the separation of Church and State) and passages in the Constitution to enact control over women's bodies. Taking agency away from who we are as human beings is barbaric, and a direct route to a dystopian vision of the future.
Very plausible and, sadly, common scenarios like contraception going wrong or sexual assaults that result in pregnancy are overlooked in favour of this false righteousness. Those who don’t wish to raise children or simply aren’t in a place to are forced to find a way to terminate or ruin their lives in the process. The US has one of the worst maternal mortality rates, the lowest maternity leave options, and highest healthcare costs in the western world, yet it is forcing women through dangerous and expensive pregnancies in the name of religious righteousness. Outlawing abortions doesn’t stop people seeking them