The Borderlands franchise is renowned for its expansive cast of bizarre and absurd characters. While the main cast of Borderlands tends to be neutral, its supporting cast can get pretty wacky, with both allies and villains alike given some wonderfully satirical voice lines. From the infamous Face McShooty who begs players to shoot him in the face, to fan-favorites like Scooter, the Borderlands franchise has no shortage of colorful characters, and the Flynt family may include some of the most memorable.
The first Borderlands game came in 2009, meaning the franchise has been around for well over a decade now. In that time, Borderlands has had a variety of spin-offs and sequels, and the Flynt family has managed to find its way into almost every single one. Whether they're the leader of a bandit group, the captain of a bandit ship, or a respected member of the Crimson Raiders, the Flynt family members have all left their mark on Borderlands' in-game world, and real-world fans.
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The first Flynt family member that players met was Borderlands' Baron Flynt, a bandit lord found in the Salt Flats. A former prison warden for Dahl, Baron Flynt was abandoned by the company and decided to set his prisoners free. To repay him, the convicts joined forces, and formed a bandit tribe, with Baron Flynt as their leader. The bandits set up their base atop an excavator and named it Thor. Baron Flynt is eventually killed by Borderlands' Vault Hunters, who mistakenly believe he has the final Vault Key piece. Baron Flynt's death leaves his bandit tribe scattered, which allows the Crimson Lance to rise to power in the Salt Flats.
A few years later, the Baron's brother — known simply as