Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, is a prominent character in Marvel's Midnight Suns. As one of the team’s tanks, he is an invaluable member of your squad. He’s not the only tanking option, though, as players could prefer to use characters like Captain Marvel or Wolverine. However, if you go with The First Avenger, you aren’t making a mistake. He’s an incredibly powerful character.
Captain America can build solid defenses and also benefit his entire team by helping with card draw, which is incredibly important. When you’re playing with Cap on your team in Marvel's Midnight Suns, what sort of cards do you want to have on your deck?
While Captain America is in your squad, you’re going to want to be building plenty of Block on him. Taunting enemies, building Block, and standing firm against the forces of Lilith are Cap’s roles in Marvel's Midnight Suns. His primary stats are also going to be Power and Resilience. He’s also a solid tank thanks to his All Day Passive, which grants Block at the start of combat.
The point of Block is that it prevents damage, which makes Tactician+ such a great card. It not only gives 64 Block to Captain America, but all other allies also gain 32. This card also allows you to draw two cards, and it grants two Heroism when played.
Then there’s Spang!+, which rewards you for targeting an enemy that is locked onto Captain America. It grants more damage (+36), and on a KO, you draw two cards. It costs one Heroism to play, but it is worth it to drop this when finishing an enemy.
Another important card for Captain America in Marvel's Midnight Suns is Brooklyn Handshake+. It inflicts Knockback on the target, and if the target is damaged during this turn, it also inflicts Forceful. If it KOs an