Free Elder Scrolls Oblivion? Sure, I’ll bite. I think I own it on every platform ever, but one more can’t hurt!
That’s what we’re getting this month from Amazon Prime Gaming, and it’s actually the Game of the Year Edition Deluxe, so it includes: “Knights of the Nine and the Shivering Isles expansions plus the Fighter’s Stronghold Expansion, Spell Tome Treasures, Vile Lair, Mehrune’s Razor and much more.”
Man, the memories of pretty much all of those phrases is bringing me back! This is the game that had horse armor, people! And most importantly, Shivering Isles, one of the greatest pieces of content in any Elder Scrolls game to date. If you somehow haven’t played it yet you’re in for a treat, not having to worry about piecemeal content in 2006.
As far as other games go beyond free Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville is notable, which is the confusingly named third Garden Warfare game. And like any good free games service, you need to pepper in a free adventure game every now and then, and any Monkey Island will get the job done.
Another thing to note (for people who still play these) is that Prime Gaming is running loot drops for Overwatch and Hearthstone through September 14, with “monthly drops” of loot boxes and card packs. Prime Gaming says to “stay tuned” for World of Warcraft and Starcraft: Remastered promotions eventually.