You will find multiple Twitch badges attached to usernames while viewing a Twitch stream. Each of these badges has a different role and holds unique rankings for a Twitch streamer. You want to respect these as a user as many of the badges identify who is monitoring the chat and ensuring everything is going well while a stream is happening. Here’s what you need to know about all Twitch badges and what they mean.
All Twitch badgesThese are all badges you might encounter while visiting a Twitch streamer’s chat.
Administration Staff Twitch badgeA user with the Administration Staff Twitch badge next to their name is a paid individual who monitors Twitch as a whole, responds to and reviews grief reports, and enforces the website’s Terms of Services.
Artist Twitch badgeWhen you see the Artist Twitch badge next to a user, they have recognized by the streamer as someone who has submitted and contributed to the channel in a creative way, such as providing emotes, overlays, or even a streamer’s avatar.
Broadcaster Twitch badgeA user speaking in a Twitch stream with this icon, the Broadcaster Twitch badge, is the one hosting the Twitch Steam and is the person you’re watching.
Chat Moderator Twitch badgeA user in a Twitch Steam chat with the Chat Moderator Twitch badge assists the streamer in reviewing the chat, placing users who disrupt or cause trouble during a stream in time, slowing down the chat, or even releasing bans.
Prime Gaming Twitch badgeThis is a user who has subscribed to Twitch’s premium services, and they have access to multiple benefits while in this program.
Turbo Twitch badgeA user with this badge next to their username has access to Twitch’s monthly premium services, which is slightly different than one who