The latest installment in the One Piece franchise and a part of the 25th anniversary of the series, One Piece Odyssey follows the adventures of protagonist Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of Straw Hat pirates in a brand-new, original adventure from creator Eiichiro Oda and publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment.
Players in One Piece Odyssey can perform a variety of side quests and activities in true JRPG fashion, and this guide will cover one such additional quest in the game - Memory Links.
Note: Minor spoilers for One Piece Odyssey will follow, discretion is advisable.
There are a total of 14 Memory Links scattered in the various game worlds of One Piece Odyssey, listed as follows:
This bonus feature in One Piece Odyssey involves certain unique memories corresponding to each character in the series. In addition to expanding on the game's lore and bonding between your teammates, the mechanic also unlocks the powerful Bond Arts - a special team attack dealing devastating amounts of damage.
Keep in mind that clearing these Memory Links involves a preset team of heroes.
Memory Links also unlock several extra abilities, costumes, and dialog interactions between crew members.
The latest role-playing game from publisher Bandai Namco Entertainment, One Piece Odyssey was announced on March 28, 2022 as part of the celebrations of the franchise’s 25th anniversary. Developers ILCA have strived to create a JRPG title that is authentic to the One Piece series and traditionally relates to its JRPG gameplay roots.
The gameplay is best described as turn-based, and the title follows the cast stranded on the mystical island of Waford after a terrible storm at sea. The crew must work together to survive and solve the island's many mysteries.
The game