Age Of Mythology is a spin-off from the Age Of Empires franchise which focuses on mythological stories featuring great heroes of Greek, Egyptian and Norse lore. While healing is generally considered a less important aspect of this game than others in the franchise, it can still be a useful way to save on the resources needed to train new units and get a damaged army back in fighting shape.
The best ways to heal units vary across the different civilizations. Different methods have varying degrees of success depending on how the player uses them, but all are viable options for bringing units back from the brink of death to full capability again.
The Valkyrie is one of the most popular ways to heal in the game. They are myth units unlocked in the Norse civilization by following Freyja into the Classical Age. A Valkyrie can heal other units at a rate of 7.5HP per second if the unit is idle.
Having several Valkyrie units around can be a huge blessing. Not only are they far more capable at fighting than most healer units, but they are fast and agile in combat. There is also a piece of research available called “Aurora Borealis,” which gives the Valkyrie unit+50% attack and +33% healing rate.
RELATED:Age Of Mythology: Best Gods
The Healing Spring is a God Power achieved through following Forseti through the Classical Age. The Healing Spring can be placed down, but once placed, players have to retain “control” of the spring to use it. If an opponent gains control of the surrounding area, they will control the spring and can use it to heal their units instead.
The spring heals at a rate of 4HP per second. Unlike other healing methods, it will work on any idle unit in the nearby vicinity simultaneously, instead of working on only one