The90 Day Fiancé franchise was conceived as an examination of international marriages in the United States, although numerous featured couples barely even dated during their runs in the extended franchise. Though earlier franchise pairs were shown marrying in the 90 days that a K-1 visa allows, many of the spin-off shows have veered off-course when it comes to showing deeper relationships. Learn about the 90 Day Fiancé franchise relationships that were far from serious.
Many viewers became enthralled by the 90 Day Fiancé franchise since it showed the unique pressures that couples face when they want to get married but come from different countries. However, the franchise has expanded to now feature couples in various stages of relationships, including being single and looking for love. While many couples on the popular spin-off show 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days are supposed to be preparing for engagements and marriages, franchise fans have witnessed numerous relationships that didn't even reach the dating stage.
Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Cast Members Who Learned From Their Mistakes On The Show
One fan theory for why so many lackluster 90 Day Fiancé romances have been featured on spin-off shows is exposure. Rather than apply for the show to highlight their relationships, some cast members have been accused of seeking fast fame. Additionally, other failed relationships have been very one-sided. Though perhaps half of a couple would be enamored with the fledgling romance, the other partner was reluctant to make things official.
Patrick Cornett and Myriam Mana are two halves of a baffling Before the 90 Days pairing, and they were never actually a couple. American Patrick was enamored with French beauty Myriam after