The90 Day Fiancé franchise follows star-crossed lovers as they endure their relationships overseas, but some co-stars were too good for their other half. After being on the air for almost 10 years, viewers are more aware than ever that not all relationships are perfect and not all partners are ready for a commitment. While some co-stars appeared to learn from their mistakes and settle into marriage, other couples weren’t as lucky.
Some 90Day Fiancé stars, like Alexei and Loren Brovarnik, weren’t always on the same page. Their relationship was more physical at first, but as they spent more time together, they fell in love. However, their lack of communication and inability to compromise was a major source of tension in their earlier years. Nonetheless, the two are about to be a family of five with their own spin-off. Paola and Russ Mayfield are another couple who have struggled to learn from their mistakes and thrive as a twosome.
Related: 90 Day Fiancé: Why Emily and Kobe Aren't Ready For Another Child
Once Paola moved to the U.S., she realized Russ’s hometown in Oklahoma wasn’t what she expected or was accustomed to. The two faced many challenges, including living with Russ’s parents, 90 Day Fiancé's Paola moving to pursue her career goals without her husband, and having a baby early in their marriage. Divorce has been discussed quite a few times, and they’ve even separated, but the two are still working together to turn their relationship around. However, not all couples have exhibited the same devotion to their counterparts.
Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly have struggled to see eye-to-eye during their time on screen. Although Kobe has revealed a bit of his aggressive side when he told Emily to “shut the f**k up,” Emily