Genshin Impact’s phase 2 weapon banner has brought a 5-star sword called Mistsplitter Reforged along with a 5-star Claymore called The Unforged. Mistplitter Reforged and The Unforged are getting re-run in this 2.6 patch update, and many players are considering summoning the sword.
Summoning on the weapon banner will also add to players' weapon collection as they will get a lot of 4-star weapons. Regardless of whether players have Ayaka in their team or not, the Mistsplitter is a great weapon for many other characters. Here are five characters who are suitable for the Mistsplitter Reforged.
Despite being a character who is always built for support, Bennett can be a great sub DPS when paired with the Mistsplitter Reforged. Sub-DPS Bennett can be very useful in reverse melt or reverse vape teams where Bennett triggers elemental reactions to deal the maximum amount of damage.
Kazuha is usually built to stack a lot of Elemental Mastery on him. One of his passive talents allows him to convert his Elemental Mastery to Elemental DMG Bonus.
However, when paired with Mistsplitter Reforged, Kazuha switches roles to a Sub-DPS who can deal substantial damage through his Elemental Skill and Burst.
Xingiqu is an excellent Hydro support who manages to deal large amounts of damage from a 4-star sword called the Sacrificial Sword. When paired with Mistsplitter Reforged, Xingqiu can take advantage of the Elemental DMG Bonus from the sword's passive. Players should pair Mistsplitter with Xingqiu only when they have taken care of his Energy requirements to have his Elemental Burst as soon as his cooldown ends.
Kamisato Ayato is a new playable character introduced in version 2.6. Ayato has his own signature weapon called the Haran Geppaku Futstu,