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With Split Fiction, your Friend’s Pass goes cross-platform

When It Takes Twowas released, two friends could play with a single copy as long as they were on the same platform — but with Split Fiction, a single copy is all you need to play with a friend.

Period. The Friend’s Pass function is going cross-platform, meaning you can play with friends on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC as long as one of you owns the game.

The only requirement is that you both need an EA account linked to your platform account. You probably already have one if you’ve played Apex Legends, The Sims, or any recent Madden or FIFA title.

The Friend’s Pass feature can be used with multiple friends, too (just not at the same time.) It’s not a one-time use code, and a different friend can even pick up where another left off.

Recommended Videos The demo of Split Fiction will be playable using Friend’s Pas, too, and it will also have couch co-op. Any progress you make in the demo will also carry over to the full game, too.

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