No game in history has maintained such a high critical and cultural status as . Its initial release on the Nintendo 64 on November 21 1998 sent shockwaves across the entire industry, becoming a landmark title and a showcase of just what video games were indeed capable of. 's breakthrough in 3D gaming was a feat never seen before and was something to marvel at.
With that in mind, it's no wonder that quickly attained the status of the greatest video game of all time. Yet, 25 years on, and despite the further advancements in game development since then, still sits on the throne.
The game holds the highest rating on Metacritic with a near-perfect 99, and is consistently ranked at the top of listings from multiple renowned publications.
Even groundbreaking titles within the franchise, like, can't reach the same heights as. It's not difficult to see why: not only does represent a turning point for the industry, but 25 years later, the game maintains a sense of timelessness that makes it a true classic.
had a lot going against it, making the final product all the more miraculous. The N64 was a turning point for the industry, ushering in a new era of 3D gaming.