Use our Wordle tips to give your guessing a fresh edge, find new opportunities in your daily puzzling, and generally make the most out of every single letter you find.
You could also have a read of the January 21 (1312) clue if you'd like something more direct, or even peek at today's answer if you need to turn your game around in an instant.
My first two rows today were the demoralising sort of helpful—every space was a grey letter, something I couldn't use. Experience has of course taught me that meant I'd eliminated heaps of dead-ends early on, and today's answer was just under my nose.
Well, my nose and a few more guesses in the end, but the whole thing turned around pretty quickly. Phew. Fine sugar combined with a dash of water creates this sweet and decorative substance, something often used on top of cakes and cookies.
Yes, there is a double letter in today's puzzle. Looking to extend your Wordle winning streak? Perhaps you've just started playing the popular daily puzzle game and are looking for some pointers.