If you are looking for some answers on today’s puzzle, you can spoon some up from these hints and tricks. This puzzle felt a little easier to me than yesterday’s,but that was because I was also more familiar with all of these categories.
Whereas yesterday I only just slipped in for the win, today I was much more confident. However, that is due to my own experience, not because of my puzzle skills which were proven lacking the last two days.
Now, I can give you clues that will help you feel as confident as I did. If you are looking for a fun puzzle that doesn’t take too long, you should try out the NYT’s puzzle.
Depending on the difficulty, it usually takes me just a couple of minutes to solve and is a nice filler when I’m in between tasks.
It feels more productive than other things I could be doing, like staring at the wall, and it is not as time-consuming as the other version of the crossword puzzle.