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Sushi Go! 10th Anniversary Review

We review the Sushi Go! 10th Anniversary Edition, published by Gamewright Games. This version of Sushi Go! offers the same familiar gameplay but with tons of upgraded bits.

Sushi Go! 10th Anniversary Edition features the Sushi Go! base game in a numbered limited edition bento box that contains a sushi boat leader marker, wasabi scoring cubes, wasabi scoring bowls, a squishy Strawberry pudding, and four packs of dessert cards that can be used instead of the usual strawberry pudding.

Sushi Go! remains a card drafting and set collection game for 2-5 players that plays in about 15 minutes. Sushi Go! plays best with 4-5 players.

Sushi Go! is played over the course of 3 rounds. Each round, players are dealt out a number of cards to begin with. They simultaneously select one card and play it. Afterwards, the remaining cards in their hand are passed to a neighbor. The cards played will give players various amounts of points at the end of the round based on how well they did with their set collection. At the end of the 3rd round, the player with the most points is the winner.

For those who have played the game before, the standard gameplay has not changed. The only change is there are four dessert packs that offer different options from the standard strawberry pudding.

For those who have never played, Sushi Go! is a very light game that is easy to learn. I taught my mom and my 10-year-old in less than 5 minutes and they both understood how to play well enough to beat me by their second game.

Unlike most pick-and-pass games, there is no chance to discard a card at the end for strategy purposes, as you have to pass all cards. There are no negative cards, but you can be strategic and use chopsticks in the second to last round, so that you are passing chopsticks in the last round, which scores no points. Or you can always pass sashimi or tempura if it won’t complete a set to prevent your opponent from scoring more points.

The amount of strategy in the base Sushi Go! game is

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