Eerie? Do not sell yourself short, video game. Alan Wake is eerie. Golden Light is a game in which you can swallow a bat’s head just to see what happens.
The last time I played I was murdered by a sink clog. The whole world is a deforming colon. Trailer! Quickly! Golden Light is also a particularly revolting take on the archetypal quest to save a damsel.
As the game begins, you’re having a nice picnic with a woman known only as She. Suddenly, She is abducted, dismembered and sprinkled across the levels of a hideous meat dimension.
Your job is to fight the bosses defending your beloved’s body parts and, well, it all gets very Eraserhead. It makes Silent Hill 2 look like a book of Stephen Fry witticisms about his mother.
I’ve never reached the bottom of the labyrinth or found all the body parts, so can’t offer a conclusive verdict upon the precise overall disgustingness of Golden Light, but even the opening dungeon floors are ickier than most horror escapades.