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Stories From Sol: The Gun Dog Preview – A sci-fi story worth settling in for

The setting of a solar system war is a familiar setting, that’s been explored in various stories. Stories From Sol: The Gun Dog is a visual novel set in a universe where such a war has concluded.

The allied front of the Martian Territories and the Jovian Unified Colony Fleet has defeated the oppressive Earth-based Solar Federation.

Your character is a Jovian, meant to take part in a battle during the final days of the war, but your mech had engineering issues.

Those issues lead to almost all of your squadron getting killed.The story of Stories From Sol: The Gun Dog opens aboard the Jovian Carrier JFS Kalyke.

Your character, who you can name, is a fresh conscript who is trained as a pilot, but training has all been done in simulations and not in real-world situations.

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