There are a lot of upgrades to purchase in . Most of the upgrades players get come from Robin’s carpentry business and typically improve buildings on their farms.
However, after helping the Junimos and finishing the Community Center, players can gain access to one of the most expensive and convenient upgrades in the entire game.
The problem is that this upgrade comes far too late to be useful to most players. Most major changes to Pelican Town and the surrounding areas come from finishing bundles in the Community Center.
For example, finishing the Fish Tank bundle removes the glittering boulder and gives players access to panning for ore. Some of the few upgrades that don’t come from the Community Center are the community upgrades, which cost a combined 800,000g and become almost useless once players have access to a (much cheaper) horse.
The main objective in for most players, is to complete the Community Center. Utilizing the bounty of the valley, players must gather various crops, fish, gems, and artisan goods to help the spirits of the forest restore the hub of Pelican Town.