Apple TV’s unexpected hit is back for Season 2 and surprisingly features a cameo from the fan-favorite Keanu Reeves. The series revolves around the misadventures of the employees of Lumon Industries, a biotechnology corporation that requires its workers to go through a medical procedure that separates their in-office personality from their outer-world one.
Adam Scott’s Mark Scout leads the proceedings in the show as he operates in Lumon’s Macrodata Refinement division alongside a selected group of colleagues.
While the sci-fi psychological drama boasts an accomplished cast full of seasoned television personalities, it has shied away from onboarding any mainstream Hollywood A-lister.
That, however, changed recently, as Severance creator Dan Erickson confirmed Keanu Reeves’ involvement in Season 2. In a recent discussion, Erickson revealed that Keanu Reeves voiced the Lumon building in the “Lumon is Listening” clip in the second season’s debut episode.
While talking to Collider‘s Carly Lane, the renowned television screenwriter confirmed Reeves’ uncredited role in Severance Season 2 before shedding light on why they went with the Matrix star in the first place. “All I can say is that we talked about a couple of different people for that role.