One of the biggest mysteries since launched was where Promo A Card number 008 was. Through various different events, all the Promo A Cards from 001 up to 033 have been made available for players to collect, with one notable exception, 008. The 008 card is a new version of the Pokédex item card, which players can use in battles.
Some of these other cards are no longer available due to appearing in events that have now ended, while others are locked behind the paid-for premium pass.
However, thankfully, now that it is here, Promo A Card 008 is the easiest of the lot to add to your collection. This comes at a time with plenty of new elements ready to drop into, with trading officially confirmed to come this month and the potential of a new pack expansion A2.
The first time players log in from 20 January 2025, they will receive a message saying, «Thank you for playing the. To celebrate achieving 40,000,000,000 cards acquired in total by players around the world, we are giving you a promo card!» Once you have read this message in the News tab, all you have to do is go to the Gifts tab in the top right corner of the home screen and claim the item. Once you have claimed the item in gifts, it will added to My Cards page in Thankfully, it is available for players to claim for an extended period of time, meaning it is not one that players will miss.
You can claim the card from January 20 to April 30 2025 in the gifts tab. The Promo A Card 008 itself is exactly the same as the normal Pokédex card in but with a different appearance.