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OTD: SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Exploded Mid-Air With A NASA Mission 9 Years Ago

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On this day nine years ago, SpaceX's first and only in-flight anomaly with the Falcon 9 occurred after the rocket carrying a cargo mission for NASA exploded in mid-air.

The launch was carrying SpaceX's Cargo Dragon spacecraft as part of NASA's Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program, and while the Dragon successfully ejected itself from the Falcon 9, the ship's parachutes did not deploy due to software configuration.

A NASA investigation later pinned the fault on stainless steel being used inside the ship, and since then, SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft has completed dozens of crew and cargo missions to space.

SpaceX's Only Mid-Flight Falcon 9 Launch Failure Took Place On June 28th, 2015 Back then, SpaceX was flying NASA's seventh cargo mission contracted to the Falcon 9 rocket with the Dragon spacecraft.

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