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Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Day 8 Recap - Weekly Reset, Queen Ansurek Prog

Dratnos and Tettles are back with another series of Race to World First Daily Recap videos! These videos will be recorded daily after Liquid finishes raiding, meaning they should be released around 2am Pacific Time, near the start of the European guilds' day. Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into?

Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. The second reset of the Race to World First has begun, but much of this Recap will focus on the thrilling conclusion to the first reset, with Echo taking out Silken Court and showing the world the first publicized pulls of Mythic Queen Ansurek!

Method also had an exciting end of their first reset, featuring some 4am post-maintenance pre-reset pulls to secure 7/8 on the first reset!

Queen Ansurek looms, after reclears and a few more splits for Very Rare items (and some exciting BoE farming!), and so far we only know about Phase 1 changes, which are mostly numerical and timing based, with a few changes to amp up the difficulty of the nova and the froth used to jump over it!

Join us again tomorrow as we hopefully have more Queen Ansurek progression to break down! Nerub-ar Palace RWF Daily Coverage Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Coverage Week 1 Heroic Week Recap — Predictions and Expectations Day 1 Recap — 4 Mythic Bosses Killed Day 2 Recap — Broodtwister Lives, Second Reset Possibilities Day 3 Recap — Broodtwister Defeated, Evolving Raid Comps Day 4 Recap — Nexus Princess, Raid Tuning Day 5 Recap — Exploiting Accusations, Nexus Princess Day 6 Recap — Nexus Princess Down, Silken Court Begins Week 2 Day 7 Recap — Weekly Reset, Silken Court Killed Day 8 Recap — Long Raid Days, Ansurek Phase 1

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