Lava has launched its latest budget-friendly smartphone, the Yuva Smart, in India. Priced under Rs. 6,000, the device comes with a 5000mAh battery a 6.75-inch display, and other essential features for users seeking a low-cost option.
The Lava Yuva Smart smartphone is powered by the UNISOC 9863A Octa-core processor, providing basic performance for day-to-day tasks.
The device features a 6.75-inch HD+ display with a 20:9 aspect ratio and a 60Hz refresh rate, making it suitable for watching videos and browsing. Also read: Vivo V50 to launch in India in February, but Pro model likely to be absent this time: Report In terms of photography, the Lava Yuva Smart comes with a 13MP dual-camera setup on the rear, which includes an AI camera for better image processing.
It supports various modes like HDR, Portrait, and Night for capturing decent photos in different lighting. On the front, there is a 5MP camera, accompanied by a screen flash, which provides clarity for selfies and video calls, especially in well-lit environments. Also read: Samsung Galaxy A56, A36, and A26 appear on certification sites, global launch imminent- All details Furthermore, the handset is backed by a 5000mAh battery, which supports 10W Type-C fast charging, and offers up to 30 hours of talk time, making it suitable for all-day use.
It runs on the Android 14 Go operating system, optimised for performance with 3GB of RAM and an additional 3GB Virtual RAM. The phone also offers 64GB of internal storage, which is expandable up to 512GB, allowing users to store a range of apps and media.Moreover, for security, the Yuva Smart includes both Face Unlock and a Side Fingerprint sensor.