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This Tomb Raider UE5 Cinematic Video Featuring Angelina Jolie and Christoph Walz is Impressive

A new Tomb Raider UE5 cinematic video has been released featuring fan favorites Angelina Jolie and Christoph Waltz.

Created by digital artist 'Lorenzo_CGI', this 'The Last Revelation teaser tribute' is a short cinematic video in Unreal Engine 5.3, and it looks really impressive. In the video, we can see Angelina Jolie portraying Lara Croft and Christoph Waltz portraying Mr Von Croy. No AI or deepfakes were used in order to create this video, which might make it even more impressive. "For this project, I used texturing xyz for the skin texturing, and for the hair cards for Lara I used ( with some retouch) the hair from 3d scan store", the artist writes. "For the creation of the environment, I tried to replicate the environment of the game, with some differences, with the help of the assets from Megascan."

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He added, "For the animation I used a combination of motion capture made by me (see the picture of the cheap helmet) with the help of Metahuman animator and the amazing tool Metapipe and the software iclone from Reallusion."

You can check out the new cinematic video below. Be sure to write what you think about this video below. Although this is merely a fan project, it might provide a glimpse of what's possible with the upcoming new Tomb Raider game within Unreal Engine 5.

The next Tomb Raider from Crystal Dynamics was announced to be in development back in 2022. Here's what the studio's General Manager had to say about it back then:

Crystal Dynamics is proud to be a part of the launch of Unreal Engine 5. This new engine translates into next-level storytelling and gameplay experiences. And that's why we are thrilled to announce that we have just started developer of our next Tomb Raider game, powered by Unreal Engine 5. Our goal is to push the envelope of fidelity and to deliver the high-quality cinematic action-adventure experience that fans deserve from both Crystal

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