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It’s The Perfect Time For A Resident Evil 1 Remake

, the horror action series that first began in 1996, has had an impressive streak of successful games in the past few years.

While the series has gone forward with new plotlines and characters ever since introduced players to Ethan and a new moldy plague to battle against, Capcom has simultaneously gone back to its classic games for current-generation remakes. A game that hasn’t received the remake treatment is the very first , which is now long overdue for a modern update.

Since Capcom has yet to announce what its next title is, now would be the perfect time for to receive a remake. While not all classic games need an update to appeal to modern audiences, definitely deserves it after the massive success of the andremakes.

Technically, has already received a remake by Capcom, but since that remake is older than the original by three years, it’s safe to say enough time has passed to justify another.

The biggest change a new remake of can do is provide a third-person camera experience in the iconic mansion, just like ’s remake gave players a third-person experience in Raccoon City.

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