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Forbidden Solitaire is an upcoming horror game about a cursed CD-ROM from the spookily distant year of 1995

If I were presented with the opportunity to purchase and place into my disk drive a very obviously cursed CD from 1995 I would simply not do so.

This is, of course, what sets me apart from the protagonist of Forbidden Solitaire, a person who would put a cursed disk into their computer and pay the requisite karmic price. (What we have in common is that our PCs still have a disk drive.) Forbidden Solitaire bills itself as a «card-slashing horror game» set in a «90's FMV-inspired digital hellscape of dungeons and death» and yeah, that means you'll be playing lots of Solitaire.

Which is a good combo because it's by Grey Alien Games, developer of some quite fun solitaire-based games—like Ancient Enemy and Regency Solitaire—as well as spooky call center horror game Home Safety Hotline.

Two things they're already good at, combined. «It’s 2019. You brought home a strange yet familiar 1995 CD-ROM game from the thrift store.

You vaguely remember seeing ads for this game, and some kind of controversy, but you never got the chance to play it. Until now,» reads the developer's description.

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