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Ascend through 'ten thousand meters of concrete and decay' in this horrifying 'first-person roguelite speed-climbing game'

If you've ever thought to yourself, I wonder what Jusantwould be like if David Szymanskimade it, you'll be thrilled to hear about White Knuckle, «a first-person roguelite speed-climbing game» being developed by three-person indie studio Dark Machine Games.

Even better, you can partake in its unique horrors right now thanks to a free demo on Steam. At their most basic level, the climbing mechanics in White Knuckle and Jusant are quite similar: Your left and right mouse buttons correspond to your left and right hands, and you click and release to open and close them as you climb ever upward.

There's a rhythm to it, and once you're in the flow you can make upward progress pretty quickly. Beyond that, though, the two games couldn't be more different.

Jusant, which I will once again say is brilliant and grossly underrated, is built on «joyful rock climbing and fascinating storytelling,» as we said in our 89% review.

It's relaxing, meditative, and challenging but not stressful because you might stumble, but you can't fall. White Knuckle, on the other hand, is an ascent into hell.

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