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10 Tips For Recognizing Ghosts In Phasmophobia Without Evidence

is a game all about locating and identifying ghosts based on different types of paranormal evidence. There are seven types of evidence in the game, andeach of the 24 different ghost types exhibits three kinds to help players pinpoint them. But evidence can be difficult to pin down, and on higher difficulty modes, it may be completely absent.

How, then, are players expected to identify the ghost they are dealing with? Luckily, aside from the seven evidence types,each ghost has certain tells that will give it away if players know how to look for them.

Some are obvious, while others are more subtle, but each can be used to narrow down the kind of ghost one is being haunted by.

These 10 tells are among the best for narrowing down the ghost type players are trying to find in First and most well-known on this list is the unique behavior of the wraith,a ghost characterized by its ability to teleport and its lack of footprints.

Wraiths move around the house much more than other ghosts, but they leave much less of a trace. This is evident in their ability to avoid salt, leaving piles and lines of the stuff completely untouched even as they move through it.

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