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10 Cozy Pixel Games You Should Be Playing If You Love Stardew Valley

is one of the most successful farming simulator games of all time, becoming a leading force in the cozy gaming scene. There are many reasons why the game has been such a phenomenal success; from its signature pixel art design to its social interactions and various farming sim mechanics, has been proven to be a timeless game.

Offering an abundance of activities to participate in, the game is never boring and conveys the charm of small town life, and its often complex farming mechanics can allow players to sink hours of time into the game.

Because of 's monumental success among the cozy gaming community, many farming simulation games that have been released over the years have tried to emulate some of the various features that make the pixel game a success.

Because of this, thankfully, there are many other cozy games available on the market that will appeal to die-hard fans of .

From the similar farming gameplay mechanics that players of the game will know and love, to social and romance interactions, as well as the pixel art style itself, here are 10 cozy pixel games that should not go under any fan's radar.

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