Full-motion video games, also known as FMVs, were popularized in the 1990s with games like and Instead of using renderings or computer-generated visuals, FMVs featured pre-recorded videos for cutscenes and character animations.
This allowed developers of the time to create the most immersive experience they could, especially on PC, given the limitations of the era.
Once computers and consoles became more powerful and hardware became better able to process and create computer graphics, FMVs became less popular and eventually fell into obscurity.
There were a handful of noteworthy FMVs in the 2000s and early 2010s, like the genre-bending and remakes of classics like the cyberpunk detective franchise.
However, in recent years, FMVs have experienced a comeback, and there are now many excellent games that rely on video to tell a story using a blend of movies and video games.