Something for the Weekend -

Something for the Weekend – 21/12/24

Where did December go? It’s the last weekend before Christmas, so I hope you’re not amongst the millions who are going to be cluttering up the shops to figure out some gift. Much better to have got all that out the way already, so you can start to relax and ease your way into whatever holidays, time off and time spent with family and friends you’ve got planned for the next week or so.

We’ve kicked off our game of the year awards, dishing out a handful of plaudits so far, and with more to come through the end of the year.

We had a smattering of quick reviews to round out the year

And a gamepad that’s worth considering if you need a new controller for Switch or PC:

Gamesir Tarantula Pro – NSW, PC, Mobile – 8/10

And I went hands on with the upcoming update for Fallout 76 with its playable ghouls set to arrive in March.

Rounding things out as always, What We Played featured Indiana Jones, Space Marine 2 and Behemoth VR.

Ys vs. Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga announced

Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter remake revealed

That’s the round up for this week. Hope you have a great weekend ahead!

UPS DISH awards Something for the Weekend

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