Hi-Fi Rush - gamebastion.com

What We Played #647 – Hi-Fi Rush, Dragon’s Dogma 2 & Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles

It’s always a good week when there’s a bank holiday involved, but the Easter Weekend gets the special bonus of being a double bank holiday. I’ve no doubt many of you have some big games that you’re planning to tackle today and through the weekend, but let’s look back on the week that was and what we’ve been playing first.

I’ve had my fingers and thumbs preoccupied with Millennia on PC, which has some interesting ideas for the 4X strategy genre, but doesn’t quite pull them all off – see our review here – and have been dabbling with Lightyear Frontier’s mech-powered farming sim. Of course, I made sure to spread some Managed Democracy in Helldivers 2 as well.

Ade’s been having a great time playing Hi-Fi Rush now that it’s available on PlayStation 5, saying that it’s “Well deserving of all the plaudits heaped upon it.”

Meanwhile, Aran’s dipped into Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles for our review. “It’s a comfortable city builder but is not as deep as I thought it would be,” he said – obviously there’s plenty more detail in the full review.

Nick P’s had a busy week of gaming. He’s finished off the main story in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is now going to “focus on my massive backlog, starting with Dragons Dogma 2.” I don’t think you can claim Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a backlog game when it’s barely a week old, can you?

He’s also found time for a bit of WWE 2K24, and his usual shenanigans of Dead by Daylight, Predator: Hunting Grounds and Street Fighter 6.

Making no claims about backlog clearing, Gamoc’s also been playing Dragon’s Dogma 2. He’s now adjusted to its peculiar way of doing things and is having a wonderful time with it, though does wish they’d ditch the carrying capacity to make life a smidgeon easier.

Has Steve finally fixed his PC? With a new GPU and new PSU in it, he’s thinking it’s finally running reliably, and so has been able to complete The Thaumaturge for an upcoming review. He’s also played some Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and is about to enter Cosmo Canyon – how much

Dragon's Dogma 2 Hi-Fi Rush What We Played 2

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