The Transformers movies have taken a sharp turn away from telling a chronological story in recent years. While Michael Bay’s blockbuster series initially charted the story of Shia LeBeouf’s Sam and, latterly, Mark Wahlberg’s Cade, it has since evolved to bring in prequels that zig zag across decades.
In light of Rise of the Beasts rolling out into cinemas, we thought it was time to spell out how to watch the Transformers movies in order – both by release date and in chronological order. For such a straightforward franchise, the ordering of the series is anything but at first glance.
But, don’t worry, we’re here to help. If you want to see the full story of the robots in disguise, here’s how to watch the Transformers movies in order.
There are currently seven live-action Transformers movies. The first, simply called Transformers, was released in 2007. A sequel, Revenge of the Fallen, landed in 2009 and was soon followed by Dark of the Moon in 2011.
Michael Bay then directed his fourth Transformers movie, Age of Extinction, in 2014 before bringing The Last Knight into cinemas in 2017. A prequel, Bumblebee, was released in 2019 and, finally, Rise of the Beasts released in cinemas on June 9, 2023.
On paper, the Transformers release date order looks like this:
The Transformers timeline officially begins with Bumblebee in 1987. Rise of the Beasts takes place seven years later, while the remaining Transformers movies take place in the early 21st Century. There are various prologues and flashbacks that take place throughout but, here, we're focusing on the main underlying story told in each movie's 'present day.'
Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen, and Dark of the Moon form one trilogy, while Age of Extinction and The Last
how to watch
Mark Wahlberg