James Batchelor - gamebastion.com

The Brazilian games industry in numbers

To kickstart our Brazil Games Week, we're aiming to provide as precise a picture as possible of the Brazilian ecosystem.

GamesIndustry.biz's James Batchelor travelled to Brazil earlier this year, and you can read his overview of the market, its challenges and opportunities, on this page – directly from the professionals who are part of it.

Meanwhile, over here, we'll look through the numbers that make the Brazilian games industry, its market, and its audience.

The figures and stats presented below are from the second national survey of the games industry by the Brazilian Association of Digital Game Developers (Abragames) and the Brazilian Agency for Promotion of Exports and Investments (ApexBrasil), which takes into account 2022 data previously collected, and new figures gathered in 2023 by GA Consulting.

343 companies contributed to the Game Brasil Survey, representing about 33% of the total number of studios in Brazil.

Compared to previous surveys, this new research showed significant growth across the board for the Brazilian industry.

The games industry in Brazil is mainly made up of micro and small studios, for a total of 1,042 developers. 2,600 Brazil-made games released between 2020 and 2022 (with 1,009 launched in 2022 alone, representing a 12% rise year on year).

The evolution compared to 2014 and the very first survey of the Brazilian games industry is quite striking, as at the time there were only 133 studios. In 2018, that number had grown to 375, showing a 177% increase from then to 2023.

As of last year, there were 13,225 professionals working in the Brazilian games industry, a 6.3% increase compared to 2022's 12,441.

The industry in Brazil is dominated by men, who represented 74.2% of the workforce at the studios surveyed. The number of women decreased from 2022 to 2023, from 29.8% to 24.3%. The number of non-binary workers remained steady at 1.5%.

"One explanation for the reduction in the number of women between the two years is the sampling effect, as the

Market report

James Batchelor


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