There's a lot to be said about Wildcat Gun Machine, and the graphics are just one topic. The whole game is animated on a rigging system with art that's reminiscent of over-the-top action comics. Everything looks sharp and clear, which only makes it worse when the monsters get even nastier.
RELATED: Wildcat Gun Machine: Beginner Tips
Though you're going to be fighting several swarms of bad guys, they're all going to have a theme that ties them together. Speaking of, as if insects aren't creepy enough, you'll have to contend with their fleshy-mutant-cybernetic variants. Should you get through them, you'll be able to face Rot Belcher.
Insects have always had a very alien feel to them, which is why media frequently use their aesthetics and terminology to create hostile extraterrestrial species. Wildcat joins them with their Act Two setup that's all about insects. Almost all of them will be flying around and while some move in jerky ways to avoid fire and fire back, others are far more aggressive.
Their Spawners look like giant larva, and they share similarities with a boss that looks like a giant egg sack, Rot Belcher. This disgusting creature seems to emanate gross power yet still manages to keep itself afloat while attempting to remove you from its lair.
This being is best described as an indirect boss. While the Act One bosses may seem just as aloof based on their movements, they still fired bullets at you. Rot Belcher is relying on its own aura and surroundings to take you down. The most prominent is a glowing red circle that's near-constantly hanging around it. This is a good indicator to help you see its location from offscreen, but also a warning to not get too close.
Following that, Rot Belcher's main form of