Bomber Cookies are the primary DPS characters in Cookie Run: Kingdom. They pack a high damage rating while playing the Mid position, and they are able to deal damage to the enemy while safely tucked behind a tank at the Front. They play a very vital role in both PvP and PvE in several capacities, but choosing toppings for Bomber Cookies is a particular challenge.
It is difficult to ascertain if any particular topping works well with all Bomber Cookies, but players have to analyze their needs from the Bomber they have and the existing substats of the Cookie. This article will help players who are confused about which toppings to use with the new Affogato Cookie.
Affogato Cookie is one of the latest additions to the Cookie Run: Kingdom lineup and has been called the best Bomber Cookie since its release. This is no small achievement given that some of the existing Bomber Cookies (like Sea Fairy) are among the most powerful and popular characters in the game.
Affogato Cookie's 'Sweet Scheme' ability involves him poisoning the nearest enemy. This means that the infected enemy cannot receive any buffs and is dealt steady periodic damage for the next 10 seconds, along with AoE (area of effect) damage to all nearby enemies. After this time passes, the poison leaks out and deals massive damage to all enemies who come in its line of spread.
Given his ability's focus on dealing damage, the conventional build for this character is a full Searing Raspberry build.
The Searing Raspberry build mentioned earlier will boost the damage dealt at every stage of Affogato's ability. This makes her a much more effective damage dealer as 5 Epic Searing Raspberry toppings will boost her DMG substats by a full 25%. It will also provide minor boosts to