Readers reveal the last video game they happen to have played and what it says about their general gaming habits.
The subject for this week’s Hot Topic was suggested by reader 84Colbat, and to make sure there was a variety of responses you weren’t allowed to say anything that had been released this year (to ensure everyone didn’t only end up talking about Elden Ring).
Interestingly though, From’s epic did still have a big impact on many people’s choices, with many dipping into previous titles like Bloodborne in order to get in the mood or decide whether they wanted to buy the new game.
Returning to Returnal I’ve just started playing Returnal again, since the free DLC came out this week. Oh my! I had almost forgotten how amazing this game is! The new tower level is really fun and gets seriously intense the further you go. There are also some nice story additions and co-op is a very nice addition. Playing it again has made me think that it might actually be the greatest action game ever and is definitely in my top 5 of all time.
I can’t think of another game where the combat is just so tight and responsive – it just feels amazing to play. The story is really intriguing too, and the soundtrack is one the best. The instant loading and excellent haptic feedback also really add to the immersion and make it feel next gen. It all adds up to create a tense, atmospheric and utterly unique experience. I absolutely cannot wait for whatever Housemarque do next.Mud
Starting at the beginning I’ve just finished playing the first Far Cry on my PlayStation 3.
I played a bit of it a while ago but never got around to finishing it. I bought it on PSN when it was cheap, which was good as it’s a lousy remaster with regular crashes and environments