As regular readers will know, every week TheGamer runs a collaborative article called The Big Question. In it, different editors give their own answer to a gaming specific question as we invite our readers to answer it themselves in the comments on social media. In any case, last week’s Big Question was which game should get a remake, and in light of the fact that most of my favourite games have had remakes, I opted for Tomb Raider without really elaborating on why. Here, if you’ll indulge me, is that elaboration.
In my short answer to The Big Question, I wrote about the strange position the Tomb Raider series is currently in. We have had three distinct eras in Tomb Raider, the Original Era, the Legend Trilogy, and the Survivor Trilogy. The Original Era is the first four games, which were then given a series reboot by Angel of Darkness. Unfortunately, Angel was a misfire all-round, so it doesn’t belong to any era, but instead slips through the cracks. The Legend trilogy, which includes Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld, is a soft reboot from Angel and clearly distinct from the Original Era. Meanwhile, the Survivor Trilogy, the three most recent games, were a hard reboot which took place before any of the other games in existence. The next Tomb Raider is supposed to marry up the Legend Trilogy and the Survivor Trilogy, but this seems impossible given they are distinct timelines with different events and characters - here’s where the remake comes in.
[Note: Yes, this was written before PlayStation Premium was announced! However did you guess?]
Related: Tomb Raider Is Secretly The Best Metroidvania Game
Let’s look at the Survivor Trilogy first, even though it shouldn’t be the era getting a remake. I defend these three