Even though series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi hasn't worked on a Final Fantasy game in almost two decades, the game developer has recently been getting into MMO Final Fantasy XIV, and chronicling his adventures on Twitter. In his latest posts, Sakaguchi has started posting about his clothing label «sakaGUCCI,» under which he's selling handmade clothing on the in-game marketplace.
While the Final Fantasy MMO doesn't let players custom design clothing, items bought from another player will retain the creator's name, meaning anything Sakaguchi crafts will essentially carry his signature on it. Due to the developer's long association with the franchise, «sakaGUCCI» clothing could have the potential to become collector's items within the game.
sakaGUCCI第3弾のトレード会へ。 今日は4秒くらいで集まった。 シャインイエローなレインコートが集まると、けっこうシュールな絵にw<a href=«https://twitter.com/hashtag/FF14?src=hash&ref_src=» https: www.gamespot.com>#FF14
<a href=«https://twitter.com/hashtag/FFXIV?src=hash&ref_src=» https: www.gamespot.com>#FFXIV pic.twitter.com/pEZmBXeKNE
Sakaguchi has already sold a number of «collections» under the pun-inspired label, and has posted a number of pictures of players hanging out in their matching sakaGUCCI pieces. Each piece is crafted by Sakaguchi's Lalafell character, who was shown in a previous tweet to be a level 90 weaver, and is priced depending on how difficult the item is to craft, and how expensive the materials are.
sakaGUCCI・第5弾 サルエルパンツのラインを活かすようにデザイン。あえてシックな黒でまとめています。銅・脚・手の3箇所セットです。9点完全限定。今夜0時くらいからPT募集。転売無しなお願い、トレード手渡し、討伐ツアー付きw 染色、素材のかねあいで10万+チップとなっております。 pic.twitter.com/5NRd9QNzlO
In subsequent tweets, Sakaguchi has asked players not to resell their sakaGUCCI items on the marketplace, asking players to glamour the items to make them
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