Each iteration of the highly popular Tekken franchise sees a new King of Iron Fist Tournament. This tournament is only entered by the world's very best fighters who compete in brutal combat in order to become champion. The recent reveal of Tekken 8 should mark the announcement of the 8th King of Iron Fist Tournament, with fighters from across the globe flocking to the event in hopes of taking away the top prize and proving themselves to be the very best.
Exactly how the King of Iron Fist Tournament will take shape this time around is unknown. With Heihachi Mishima presumed dead following events in the last game, Tekken could be breaking a long-standing tradition by not including the Mishima family patriarch for the first time in its history. This would throw the whole tournament into doubt, as Heihachi himself has sponsored four of the seven previous tournaments. Although both Jin Kazama and his father Kazuya Mishima have also sponsored a tournament previously, it is hard to know at this stage what circumstances will arise that could result in one of them seizing the opportunity to sponsor and announce the King of Iron Fist Tournament 8.
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The first King of Iron Fist Tournament was sponsored by Heihachi Mishima, and each tournament's sponsor is automatically the boss, or sub-boss, of the game by proxy. Heihachi's son, Kazuya Mishima, entered the tournament in the hope of facing his father in the final. Kazuya was seeking revenge for being thrown off a cliff as a child, an act that Heihachi claimed was intended to make sure Kazuya was strong enough to carry the Mishima name. Kazuya barely survived the fall, and years later enters the tournament in the hopes of gaining revenge on his
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