Syberia: The World Before continues the series' tradition of devious puzzles based around intricate mechanisms. The first of these is encountered in the salt mines when Kate and Katyusha find a lost train full of treasure and a functioning motorcycle. They'll need the bike's keys in order to make a daring jump to freedom, but they're nowhere to be found.
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If the train puzzle is keeping you from exploring the rest of The World Before, don't worry. With this spoiler-free guide, you'll be able to get out of the mines and start solving the game's central mystery.
The early segments of the game jump frequently between Dana Roze in 1937 and series protagonist Kate Walker in 2004. After the scene between Dana and her parents that ends with Dana composing a letter to Herr Gustav, gameplay resumes with Kate and Katyusha in the mines.
After a brief conversation with Katyusha, walk along the tracks and interact with the mine cart. It’s stuck, as the brakes are still engaged. Pull the lever on the back, then push the cart over to where Katyusha is working. The cart is heavy and rusty, so it will be slow-going.
When you reach the work area, Kate will pick up a pickaxe and start digging. Follow the onscreen prompts until a cutscene plays. Afterward, walk through the newly-revealed tunnel to explore what’s beyond it.
The train in the new cavern has a strong padlock preventing you from entering the freight car. For now, walk along the tunnel and talk to Katyusha. She points out that there is an exit to the outside across a chasm. Follow her to the broken-down motorcycle midway down the tunnel and talk to her again.
Inspect the gas tank of the motorcycle, then check each of the two