Street Fighter 6, Capcom's latest entry in the long-running Street Fighter franchise, continues to impress with its ways of showcasing the brand new style being brought to the series. The new art style adds an exaggerated realism to the character models and designs while also showcasing their distinct personalities in how they move along the scenery and fight one another. Adding to this is a new feature that has been discovered, showcasing an additional piece of personal flair to its roster after a round is won via a Perfect K.O.
Luke is one of the franchise's newest personalities, having made his debut as the final DLC character of Street Fighter 5 before assuming the role of one of Street Fighter 6's primary protagonists. Solidified early on as a key character for the Street Fighter's future, Luke seems to symbolize the direction of the series going forward from his gameplay to his personal style. This style is reflected in his special celebration after achieving a Perfect K.O., adding the perfect amount of cringe-worthy attitude to the game's setting.
Related: Why Street Fighter 6 Looks So Much Like Final Fight
As discovered by players during Japan Expo 2022 and recorded by Twitter user Matthew Edwards, Luke goes into a special dancing animation upon winning a round with a Perfect K.O., showcasing a bit of the cheesy, more cringe-worthy side of the character. Defined by Edwards as, "definitely from the TikTok generation," Luke's dance has been derided by some fans who see it as perhaps too cringey. However, Luke's dance is the perfect example of reflecting the different character personalities of Street Fighter 6.
Street Fighter, as a series, has thrived on its colorful roster and expensive list of personalities