Science fiction is an unbelievable vast genre, and can encompass anything from space travel to futuristic technology, explorations of distant societies, to examinations of the present one. Video games are arguably the perfect medium for the sci-fi genre, as they are not as bound by the same limitations as live-action films or series, and contain a visual quality lacking from books. Games like Mass Effect, No Man's Sky, and Cyberpunk 2077 show the breadth and flexibility of the genre and the settings it inspires. There are two upcoming titles — Motive Studios' Dead Space Remake and Bethesda's Starfield — that could represent the best the genre has to offer.
The two titles in themselves show how antithetical games can be while still remaining in the same genre. With differing styles, gameplay, objectives, and themes, the Dead Space Remake and Starfield could not be more different in some ways. Yet their adherence to certain aspects of the sci-fi genre means that there is still a large crossover of fans for each title, despite these differences. Each gives players completely different opportunities and experiences, and with Starfield's release towards the end of the year, and the Dead Space Remake launching in early 2023, the two titles could offer sci-fi fans a great few months of game playing.
Starfield Sounds like a BioWare RPG
Although space may be the first thing that many people think of when they hear the words «science fiction,» it is not actually a prerequisite of the genre. However, space is also a very popular setting in many sci-fi stories and offers some of the best things that characterize the genre — exploration, projection of societal issues onto a world that feels nothing like the player's own, and of course