Someone is playing Final Fantasy 14 as a Miqo'te Austin Powers. Nyyya baby.
Thanks to its detailed character creator and suite of customisation options, Final Fantasy 14 lets you be pretty much whoever you want to be, whether that's yourself, an original character, or a licensed character of some kind. Playing as a cat version of Austin Powers is something else, though. To be more accurate, it's actually a Micqo'te dressed to look like Austin Powers.
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The Twitter account, named Austin Paw'wwers, popped up over the last week and went viral for its striking similarity to Austin Powers and cat variations of some of Austin's signature catchphrases. Turning "yeah baby" into "nya baby" and calling yourself Eithyris' International Man of Mystery is pretty damn clever, to be fair.
The diehard Austin Powers fans out there might be wondering why exactly there's a cat version of the character out there, considering there's nothing of the sort in the films, but it seems to be based on a piece of fan-art from Worthikids in 2021. That piece of art depicted Austin Powers as a "catboy" and quickly went viral. There are certainly weirder origins stories out there.
Although the Twitter account has mostly just been retweeting bits of fan art and memes about Final Fantasy 14, the few original Tweets have shown off a Micqo'te Warrior of Light that looks remarkably like the groovy man himself. It's a pretty striking resemblance, with the character wearing the same iconic blue velvet outfit that Austin wore in International Man of Mystery.
After posting the first Tweet, which said "NYA BABY", Austin Paw'wwers celebrated their character going viral and promised that more