On the path to Riverwood, I decided to pop by the mines for a quick detour to get some ‘easy’ loot. The bandit at the entrance one-shot me. BACK TO HELGEN WE GO. This time, I accidentally set myself on fire in the dungeons. “Hey you, you’re finally awake” is being etched into my brain so often that I swear it’s going to start cropping up in my dreams. Anyway, we’re back to the chopping block, Alduin swoops down and saves me, and off I go. I die a couple more times but, eventually, I make it out of Helgen and into Riverwood. And I refuse to leave. No sir. I’m staying put. Sort that dragon shit out yourself, Hadvar.
Skyrim Permadeath is my own little cocktail of hell that I conjured up one weekend when deciding that maybe I’m being too nice to myself by playing it on apprentice and save scumming. Instead, I booted it up on legendary, installed Frostfall and a few other survival mods, disabled fast travel, and gave myself a pretty strict rule - if you die, you start over. That also means no going back to old saves. I have to manage my hunger, sickness, and temperature while not being able to take too harsh a risk because if I die, that’s it. Spoilers - I didn’t beat the game. It beat me.
RELATED: I Got To Skyrim Way Too Late
I’m telling you that now because I didn’t bother with the main quest. I did it up to a point, unlocking dragons, which in hindsight was a bad idea - I’ll get to that. Instead, I decided to build up my character to be as strong as possible before daring to attempt the main quest, knowing full well that I’d be contending with the Forsworn. It actually got off to a pretty boring start. I helped Faendal win over his love by framing Sven as a sexist pig, then I used Faendal to train up my archery while
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